Membership Types

Being a member of the ANZSN gives you access to a range of benefits and professional development opportunities.

I'm a Nephrologist/Medical Practitioner

Ordinary Membership

Voting Rights

Nephrologists or medical practitioners who are actively engaged in the clinical practice of the broad field of kidney function or disease, or who has demonstrated a particular interest in kidney function or disease.

Residents in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 Year
3 Years

I'm a Trainee

Ordinary Membership

Voting Rights

A person undertaking nephrology training or training in a field of kidney function or disease.

Residents in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 Year
3 Years

I'm not a nephrologist but have a Masters or PhD.

Ordinary Membership

Voting Rights

Persons with a masters or doctoral degree (of any discipline) currently conducting research or clinical practice in nephrology who is actively engaged in the clinical practice, treatment, teaching, research or study of kidney function or disease.

Residents in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 Year
3 Years

I'm an Allied Health Professional (nurse, researcher, dietitian or pharmacist)

Affiliate Membership

No Voting Rights

Allied Health Professionals who do not hold a masters or doctoral degree and who are a full member of an affiliated society and who are engaged in the clinical practice of the broad field of kidney function or disease, or who has demonstrated a particular interest in kidney function or disease.

Residents in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 Year
3 Years

I'm a member but now live overseas 

Associate Membership

No Voting Rights

An Ordinary Member who has ceased to be a resident in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand for a period of twelve (12) months prior to the date of application for Associate Membership, or a person who does not reside in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand but holds qualifications comparable to those required for admission as an Ordinary member.


1 Year
3 Years

I'm a retired member 

Retired Membership

No Voting Rights

Residents in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 Year
3 Years

What are the eligibility criteria?

As per our Constitution, an application will need to be supported by two references who are members of the Society and who personally know the applicant for membership. The ANZSN office will contact the referees during the application process, and will be in touch with the applicant if membership has been approved.

Your application for membership will be reviewed by the ANZSN Council or its delegate and you will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible.

If you are an advanced trainee, you will also need confirmation from your supervisor to confirm your trainee status.